Some things are very British. Most games these days aren't. Killing Floor is made by some Scandinavians that maybe went to London once or watch the Bill on the internet while listening to the world service. It has London buses, Black Cabs, Panda cars and fire hydrants. Er... WTF? Fire hydrants? Nowhere in Great Britain has fire hydrants. Stupid American fire hydrants.
The date is next week and the zombie apocalypse has happened. In Blighty. Well they're not really zombies but genetic experments gone bad. Like in House of The Dead they all have nails and metal sticking out of them. Mostly. They attack in orderly waves with a handy counter to tell you how many there are left. When you kill them all a shop opens, which is usually 10 miles away and you have like 1 minute to get there before it closes. You buy guns and ammo and it shuts. Then the NEXT WAVE starts. Just like that.
The game is mainly a co-op affair and all the player characters talk in a thick Eastenders accent. "stand still you muppet" "Can't you see I'm reloading" "Get outa my pub". They're also all closet gays. Going on about taking "one in each hand" and "trying to shag" each other. The yardie shopkeeper doesn't help. All she says amounts to cock euphanisms "I like them big" All the player characters ignore her again indicating that they are gay, because as we know from 28 Days Later all post apocalyplse soldiers turn into serial rapists.
The game has a perk system where you grind to get better discounts on guns and more damage using certain guns. The game wants me to headshot 700 guys for my next level. Which may be nice when it happens.
So get it off Steam and enjoy gay mindless zomble-cide. Great and I never mentioned Left for Dead once.
Overall : BIG GUNS
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