John Mclain is back as a robot shell of Bruce Willis, except he looks very very plastic. He's an FBI agent looking for a secret weapon that kills not only the robots but the user too. The chick from Silent Hill is his partner (but doesn't look as Plastic even though she's a robot too). So they run around Boston chasing the guy who fell out the airlock in Event Horizon. Bruce willis looses his John Mclain shell (this is however where Jedwood stole their hairstyles from) and has to....shock.. horror...GO OUTSIDE. Hilarity ensues as he keeps walking into people as he finds out that some one has taken over his partners body and will use it to plug the weapon into the internet to destroy humanity!
I really stopped paying attention to this movie about half way through and started to think of some more interesting premises......
- Cow&Gates : All humans are replaced by very small jars of a rudimentary paste, until Robocop shoots them (or eats them)
- Margates : All humans are replaced by eastern european cheap labour. May or may not have had anything to do with the Scenic railway fire.
- Normanbates : All humans are forced to have a shower, just to be murdered and replaced by a crosdressing psycho
- Baddates : All humans are replaced by poisoned fruit in a dastardly plan to kill off Nazi Monkeys
- Duelofthefates : All humans are replaced by John Williams, which suits him just fine as when you start to hum any one of his themes you could wonder off into any other one. They're that similar.
It's also worth noting this is based on a comic book which I'd not heard of. It seems Hollywood will take any milk from the comic book cow dairy.Even the stuff thats been out in the sun for a few hours. Now where's that big budget version of Johnny Fartpants. Or Biffa Bacon......
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