I remember when I first saw someone playing OutRun at the local arcade. That wa Leisureland in Paisley but that's by the by. Can't recall the exact year but I remember my jaw nearly hitting the floor. Surely this was as good as it gets? So fast, so smooth, so tough to make the time limit (it seemed). And the music. Shame I don't have a sound clip to put on here, cos that music was ace. In the same league as the Daytona stuff for me. I wasted many an hour (and 50p) on that thing. It basically paved the way for the time limit arcade racer of which Ridge Racer is a prime example. I think the machine at Paisley Leisureland was also where drugs deals went down, as I recall one instance where the machine swallowed my hard-earned without yielding a credit. I rattled the
machine once, twice and then a third time upon which appeared a rough looking dude who asked this 14 year old if he 'had the gear' to which I squeaked that I wanted my money back. He glared at me then departed. I may have come that close to being Begbie'd or called his bluff. I'll never know but I did get my money back and went on to reach the final checkpoint with my lady by my side, in the red Ferrari, wind in my hair....
There you go, proof if any, that Scotland is just like Trainspotting