Battle : Los Angeles is an Alien Invasion movie in the style of Blackhawk Down Syndrome. Which means it's shot at ground level from a grunt's (no offence) point of view. These Marines are leaving. Well trying to leave anyway. They have to get some civilians from an abandoned police station to safety before the whole area is carpet bombed by the airforce. As it turns out no-one managed to kill 9 aliens in a row without dying as the kill streak never happens. This doesn't stop Thankyou for Smoking Man and Michelle Rodriguez and their mates using all the Modern Warfare 2 perks in their quest to get back to the choppaaaa and head shot all the water powered aliens on the way. One guy is using Bling as he has a scope and a foregrip on his LMG, they all have scavenger pro as they pinch all the ammo off their dead comrades. Rodriguez and Dr.NHS Glasses both have Commando perk for the stabby kills. And there's that guy who gets a 4 kill streak to call in an airstrike at the end to destroy the core!
It's all good clean family fun but they should've had Will Smith and The Fly for ultimate alien killing sliceness. Wiki-wah-wah. All this and it's the first role for Michelle "frying Pan" Rodriguez in which she doesn't die. Well done Michelle. No waiting to respawn for you.