Captain Power was the best thing to come out of "Stroll-In", you know that cheap tat shop that was in Abingdon town square in the early 90's. Well strictly speaking that wasn't true. It was actually Captain Woman and the Dark Destroyer. And Commie.
These figures were the best £1 toys ever better than the Robotech figures from the other pound shop. Commie wasn't. You could also get a Captain Power gun too but I think that came from Woolworths, it was pretty cool and fired sucker darts or heavy grenades. It also broke down and had removable parts like a sniper rifle. It was well slice.
Captain Power has now had a 3 minute revival. Due to the wonder of the internets you can watch the whole series if you like. The series is best described as a cross between Starship Troopers and Power Rangers. That's not particularly accurate but it'll have to do.
Commie's not in it either.
The year is sometime in the future and the Dark Destroyer has employed a CG Swoop ( the Dinobot) lookalike to digitise all the humans. It's up to a rebel band of normal guys in tinfoil suits to battle the evil CG bad guys. Theres the normal line up, Captain Power, Captain Fly-Guy, Captain Computery Scouty, Captain Security Guard from Mallrats and Captain Woman, who everyone just refers to as "Pilot" I don't think anyone likes her much. All the suits have a limited power supply so that they run out of juice as soon as they fire a laser gun twice. The action is very reminicent of the full motion video cut scenes from a mid-90s PC game, so that's retro-cool too! The sets are probably left over from straight to VHS movies like Screamers 2. Its all nice and rubbish but the special effects are probably worse than Buck Rogers. Thats not a fair comparison either as Buck is the best thing ever.
Mind you Captain Power is the prequel to Babylon 5 both being written by J. Michael Straczynski. Obviously it's not really but at least the special effects wern't done on a Commodore Amiga.
Commie never got a Tv series. Just a one way trip to the bottom of the Thames.
"I'm Every Woman" was originally recorded by Chaka Khan, fact fans