At the risk of terminal blog repitition, here's some more helicopters. This time however the helicopters are better. Still not bullet proof though. Nuclear Strike does include other things too. A smashing (literally) hovercraft that makes things explode when it touches them and probably a Harrier too. I didn't get that far (in true MHS style one play equals a badly written review). So someone wants to throw nukes around again and it's up to Mr.Flyboy to pilot his chopper into some places to shoot stuff to prevent ALL OUT NUCLEAR WAR. It's all pretty cool stuff, you can strafe, blast tanks fly in circles to complete a series of missions. Most of which involve chasing some resistance bint around as she shouts at you - "cover me!" "follow me!" "get some milk!"
There are supplies dotted about the level. You know the stuff, ammo, armour, fuel, chocolate pretzel flips. Well not pretzel flips. You can't find those anywhere. Seriously was I the only person to buy those? All the missions are glued together with some FMV cut scenes that look like those Sega Cyber Razor adverts from 1991. Infact theres a guy surrounded in TV screens sitting in a rotating dentists chair while wearing those special glasses that you have to endure at the optitions. He's probably playing Battle Golfer or something. It'd be funnier if he was playing Desert Strike. When you finish all the missions on a map you get shoved onto the next harder map. There might be Harriers on that next one.