Remeber when Tekken 1 came out on the Playstation? The intro looked awesome. When Tekken 2 came out a year later the intro for the first already looked dated, but we knew it wouldn't be long until we were playing games that would be up to the standard of those intros.
Forwardwind to 2003, and a bunch of developers looking for a interesting movie to turn into a game. Fight Club was their choice. Stupid choice. I mean ok it's a film with "fight" in the title but it was about so much more.... Its like making a film of Das Boot and making it a shoe fitting simulator. Anyway Fight Club the game has graphics that look like that intro from Tekken 1. No really it does. And it looks crap. All the fighters look "special" and swear all the time. Meatloaf's in it too with his man-boobs. So's that woman that I can't remember the name of. Brad Pitt doesn't seem to have bothered turning up but I didn't play it long enough to see if he's in it later. Edward Norton Antivirus doesn't seem to be in it either. Mind you I might be missing lots, I only played it for 15 minutes. It could turn into a story lead tour-de-france or something after an hour but to be honest I couldn't stand it any longer. It's bland like decaffinated coffee and has a similar overall colour and consistancy too.
Oh and in case you're wondering the 2nd rule of Fight Club is "do not eat - throw away"