Matt Damon's on the Road to Veridian city! He's gonna be the very best! He's gotta catch'em all!
His quest starts when special agent Oak gives him a special deck of cards of Iraqi leaders and it's up to Matt to bring them all in. Before long he's collected the business cards from Misty the reporter and Brock the CIA agent.
He gains a and befriends an unevolved Freddy and despite the difficulties involved in having a wooden leg trains Freddy to drive him everywhere. But what's this! A wild special forces-mon has appeared! wild special forces-mon used Blackhawk! It's super effective! Special Forces-mon stole Matt's strategy guide from CIA Brock too.! Oh no! Now Matt can never find the super secret Iraqi-mons!
As you can see I've uncovered the truth that Hollywood steal every plot from other sources. Die Hard, 12 Monkeys and Day of the Jackal were all originally episodes of Bergerac. Now they've moved on to more contemporary places to steal their ideas from.